The town’s newest attraction is a large model of the famous old Axminster to Lyme Regis railway, which operated between 1903 and 1965. The model has been built by volunteers in a project led by Axminster Chamber of Commerce, the Community Waffle House and Axminster Community Shed. The model and its accompanying display fill the windows of the former River Cottage restaurant.
Key architectural features of the model include the stations at Axminster and Lyme Regis, each meticulously recreated in model form. The route winds and climbs across the model, just as it did back in the day. Pride of place goes to the stunning Cannington viaduct which you can still visit in the nearby countryside today.
For The Love of a Railway
The model is a shop window attraction that is on view from the street 24 hours-a-day. The train is usually running during daytime hours.